This year PCA will be performing Safety Inspection the morning of the autocross at the autocross site. Please prepare your vehicle prior to the Safety Tech Inspection, if there is an issue with the participates vehicle or safety gear they will be moved out of the staging area to fix the issue.
It is the sole responsibility of each competitor to present a vehicle that is safe to operate in a competitive event and is in sound mechanical condition. Safety inspection by PCA volunteers does not relieve a competitor of their responsibility for the safety of the vehicle they have entered.
Note: all vehicle’s trunk’s or bonnet & interior must be empty prior to Tech Inspections and during the autocross.
There will be four time slots for Safety Inspections at the autocross site:
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 7:00am to 8:00am & 10:30am to 11:30am
Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 7:00am to 8:00am & 10:30am to 11:30am
Safety Tech Chair: Howard Gilson will be on site to perform any last minute inspections until 3:00pm.
All vehicle Safety Inspections will be done at the autocross site prior to participating in the autocross, vehicles must have a Tech Sticker to participate. We cannot emphasize this enough - please have your vehicle ready for and safety inspection prior to staging your vehicle for the autocross.
Safety Inspection Volunteers will check the following:
Wheel Torque
Safety Gear
Wheel and Tires
Fluid Levels / Check for Fluid Leaks
Other Items Listed on the Safety Inspection Form (see below)
Participants are responsible for all item on the Safety Inspection Form prior to the autocross.
Important Note about the Safety Inspection Form:
We will not be handing out the Safety Tech Form at the inspection site. Please read, print, and bring the online form (below) with you to the inspection site. There will be 5 Safety Tech Forms laminated so volunteers have something to check off as they perform each inspection. Once the inspection is completed, a Safety Tech sticker will be applied to the top left of your windshield indicating your vehicle has passed the Safety Tech Inspection. No vehicle may participate in the Parade Autocross without passing the Inspection.
Howard Gilson
Safety Tech Chair